NEXT Behind the Agency: September 19-20

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Behind The Agency

September 19-20, 2024

BBI Marketing West Campus | Tupelo, Mississippi

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Learn What
We Do

Join us for a 2-day all-access event that lifts the veil on how a multi-million dollar insurance agency can be successful in today’s market! Whether you’re an individual agent, a startup, or an agency with years of experience, Behind the Agency can take you to the next level.


Day 1 - Behind The Agency
  • Sales Processes
  • CRM's & Lead Aggregation
  • Hiring & Culture
  • Sales Techniques
  • Commissions Structure
  • Hidden Knowledge
Day 2 - Behind The Marketing
  • Facebook Ads
  • Direct Mail Strategy
  • Crosshairs of Marketing
  • Television Advertising
  • Traditional Media
  • Billboards and Radio
  • Automated Marketing
  • Referral Marketing
  • Retention Marketing
  • Rapid Budget Scaling
  • Reverse Engineering your Budget
Behind The Agency - Day 1
  • Sales Processes
  • CRM's & Lead Aggregation
  • Hiring & Culture
  • Sales Techniques
Behind The Agency - Day 2
  • Commissions Structure
  • Hidden Knowledge
  • Breakout Sessions

meet the speakers

Justin Brock, CEO of BBI Behind the Agency MedicareCon

Justin Brock


Steven Martinez of Bobby Brock Insurance speaking at Behind the Agency

Steven Martinez


Justin Brock, CEO of BBI Behind the Agency MedicareCon

Justin Brock


Steven Martinez of Bobby Brock Insurance speaking at Behind the Agency

Steven Martinez


Justin Stark

Justin Stark

Senior Agent & Retirement Planner

Unlocking Success in Medicare

During the first day of the event, we’ll be focusing on the sales processes and techniques that have helped us become a leader in the Medicare industry. You’ll learn about our best practices for lead aggregation and CRM management, as well as get a firsthand look at our hiring and culture strategies. We’ll also be sharing our sales techniques and strategies for closing more deals and building strong relationships with our clients.

The final day of the event is all about marketing strategies that are transforming the Medicare industry. You’ll learn about traditional marketing channels that are still highly effective, as well as cutting-edge marketing techniques that are changing the game. We’ll cover automated marketing, referral marketing, retention marketing, rapid budget scaling, and more.

In addition to our main sessions, we’ll also be hosting breakout sessions where you can get more personalized insights and advice from our experienced team of Medicare agents and marketing experts. You’ll have plenty of networking opportunities to connect with other agents and agencies, and we’ll even have a fun and exciting social event to cap off the event.

At this event, we’re dedicated to providing you with the tools, knowledge, and insights you need to succeed in the competitive world of Medicare. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, we invite you to join us at our next comprehensive event that combines Behind the Agency and Behind the Marketing.

Want More? Learn Cutting-Edge Marketing for Your Agency with CMO Steven Martinez!

Join our Chief Marketing Officer, Steven Martinez, and the expert team at BBI for a dynamic and comprehensive 2-day all-access event that focuses on cutting-edge marketing strategies for your agency! This event will take you through all aspects of marketing, showcasing the proven techniques and approaches utilized by our multi-million dollar Medicare agency. Over the course of the 2 days, we will dive deep into the marketing mindset and strategies of a successful, scaling Medicare agency. Whether you are an individual agent, a startup, or a seasoned agency, this event is perfect for anyone looking to optimize their marketing efforts and take their business to the next level!

BBI Marketing

499 Air Park Road,

Tupelo, MS 38801

(662) 844-3300